Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Years 3 Times a Year

With Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) being this week we've thought it be a good time to mention one of the ways we intend to incorporate Chinese culture into our family once Baby China Girl is here. We will be a family that celebrates New Years 3 times a year. That being the Rosh Hashana, New Year's Eve and Chinese New Year.

We feel that it is important embrace aspects of the Chinese culture into our family once Baby China Girl is here. At this point, we're not exactly sure of everything we're going to do (more posts on that in the future) but one thing we will do is to celebrate Chinese New Year as a family. How are we exactly going to do this we're not sure yet, possibilities involve attending Chinese New Year celebrations in the area and hosting a Chinese New Year party at our home. This would involve lots of family, friends, and ethnic food and dress. Hmm..doesn't sound much different than the Jewish New Year (minus the praying) now does it?

Now for the update.

As of 9/13 here's our wait statistics:
Referred through: 3/24/2006
Current wait: 42 months
Projected referral date: 10/13/2012
Projected months to referral: 37