Saturday, November 13, 2010

I-800 Approved!

Today, as I was working in Eliana's room and saw the mailman deliver our mail  I had a good feeling.  So, I went outside and got the mail and sure enough there was mail from the DHS.  It was our I-800/I-800A approvals, a major step towards bringing Eliana home!

These approvals essentailly give us permission to bring Eliana into the U.S. and are the first steps towards obtaining her citizenship.  Next we have to submit these approvals and some other paperwork to China to get our official travel invitation.  Once we get that we can finally make our travel plans to bring her home.  Now we just have to wait for one more document (a formality now that we have the I-800 approvals) before we can send this next paperwork submission!

We're getting closer!  Good thing we bought the paint for her room today, she'll be home soon!