Sunday, February 14, 2010

No adoption news but lots of snow!

No news on the adoption front this month but boy did we get snow! First, we got hit with Snowmageddon and a whopping 38 inches of snow. Our town of Elkridge, MD seems to have been the epicenter of this first storm as we made the national news! All we can say is that 38 inches is a lot of snow to shovel.

You might have noticed that I said first storm in the above paragraph. That's because we got a second storm a few days later! Another 12 inches of snow and nowhere to put it.

See pictures below of our house and street! Update follows.

Now for the update.

As of 2/13/2010 here's our "non special needs" wait statistics:

Referred through: 4/5/2006
Current wait: 46 months
Projected referral date: 3/13/2013
Projected months remaining to referral: 37

Remember, these are simple projections based on extrapolating the current wait forward. Check out the Rumor Queen (link at top) for more thorough projections