Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby China Girl Name

Recently, Benjamin asked if his baby sister from China has a name. The answer is not yet. We have talked about names but haven't agreed upon one yet. As per our history, the name will remain secret until we have the referral and have to put her name on the paperwork thus making it official and unchangeable. We did tell Benjamin that he(and Eli) will be the first to know the name when the time comes.

That begs the question of whether we're going to keep her Chinese name and so forth. We are planning to keep her Chinese name as her middle name and name her first name after a dead relative according to Jewish tradition. She will also be given a Hebrew first and middle name following the same tradition. However, she won't get her Hebrew name until she is officially converted to Judaism (we'll have a post on that another time).

Now for the wait update:

As of 7/13 (our 2 month wait mark) here's our wait statistics:
Referred through: 3/20/2006
Current wait: 40 months
Projected referral date: 8/13/2012
Projected months to referral: 37

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